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Serial, infrared, and Bluetooth printing for your PalmOS handheld!
Why print from your Palm handheld device?You can print some of the information stored in your Palm connected organizer from your desktop computer, but there are times when that's not what you need. Perhaps your job involves visiting customers in the field, or working at trade shows, and you need to print out an order or a receipt on a portable printer. You might be a doctor doing rounds in a hospital, a delivery truck driver, a field service representative, or one of the many other mobile workers in today's workforce. Or, you might even be in your office, but using software on your Palm handheld device which has no desktop counterpart. Or perhaps you just want to print a quick email or memo without starting up your desktop software. PalmPrint (tm) software is the solution.
What can I print?PalmPrint prints information from the built-in Palm databases - memos, schedules, address book information, todo lists, expenses, emails (from both the Palm Mail and iMessenger applications, as well as the Eudora email application) and clipboard contents. PalmPrint also provides printing support to more than four dozen other applications which are "PalmPrint-enabled" (that is, applications that know about and use PalmPrint for printing). These applications span a wide range of needs, including database, email, data collection, medical, mobile POS, document readers, and a wide variety of specialty applications. Read the complete list here; if the application you're interested in doesn't appear, we encourage you to encourage the developer of that application to print-enable their application. It's easy! Read the complete list of more than four dozen applications which are "PalmPrint-enabled"
What are the features of PalmPrint?
What kind of printers can I use?PalmPrint supports a variety of common printer languages, as well as some more specific languages:
How do I connect to the printer?If you have a Palm with infrared capability and an infrared-enabled You can also print to printers with serial or parallel inputs, although you may require additional cabling to do so. For a complete discussion of connectivity issues (how you connect to a particular printer and what kind of cabling you need), click here
Does it work with all hardware and software?PalmPrint works on all models of the Palm Computing Platform running PalmOS 3.0 or higher (including PalmOS 5.0), from the Palm III to the latest Treo 650 and Palm LifeDrive, as well as on Palm Computing platform compatible devices such as the IBM WorkPad, Handspring Visor, Sony Clie, and others. PalmPrint works with the standard, unmodified PalmOS; we cannot guarantee its operation with every possible "hack" which modifies the functionality of the operating system. Users have reported that the following hacks cause problems with PalmPrint:
We have not verified any of these problems, so feel free to ignore this warning, but if you do have problems with PalmPrint functioning and you are using any of these hacks, you'll need to disable the hack (and feel free to bug the writer of the hack - a hack should be totally transparent to any application).
More Information... Want to learn more about PalmPrint? We've tried to keep this page simple, but the complete manual for PalmPrint is part of the download when you download the software (see below). Even if you don't have a Palm, there are plenty of screen shots, so you can see everything the software can do, and how easy it is to use. Want to try PalmPrint yourself? PalmPrint is configured so that you can use it without a Serial Number (password) so that you can see how it works. We strongly urge that you use the software in this mode to verify that your particular printer and cabling setup will work with PalmPrint. Because of the large number of printers and cabling options, we cannot possibly guarantee successful operation with any particular printer. Once you have verified operation, however, then after you purchase the software (see below), we'll email you the Serial Number to unlock the software, and all functions will be available. Download now. Want to learn more about PalmOS handhelds? Our software runs on the Palm operating system (PalmOS). PalmOS is developed by PalmSource, and is licensed for use on handheld devices made by palmOne (including the Treo, Zire, and Tungsten lines), Handspring (now part of palmOne), Sony, Symbol (some models), Kyocera, Samsung, and others. A complete, current list of licensees, with links to their respective websites, can be found here. PalmPrint runs on all PalmOS handhelds running PalmOS 3.0 or higher. Who we are... Stevens Creek Software has been developing and marketing software for Macintosh, Windows, DOS, PalmOS, and iPhone (iOS) since 1988. We specialize in handheld solutions, with more than 20 titles for PalmOS and iOS. Learn more... Ready to order? Single Licenses You can license a single copy of PalmPrint for $39.95. Most users download the software from our Web site and pay for the software online; for a small charge we can send you the software on a disk via regular mail instead. You can order online or by mail.
Need Multiple Copies? For multiple copy pricing and methods of ordering, click here.