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The most important advance in Palm data entry since Graffiti!Designed for all PalmOS 5.0 and higher devices Newly enhanced for the Treo 600/650, the Tungsten T3 and T5, and the PalmOne Lifedrive!
Palm designed some of the new Tungstens with an "expanding case" so you can collapse the unit and hide the Graffiti area. You can do almost everything with the case closed, with one exception - enter text! So if you want to enter something, even just a single digit, you need to slide the case open, use the Graffiti area, then (assuming you prefer to have the unit closed), slide the case closed again. What a pain! TextMaster solves this problem by using either the "5-way
navigator" button, the special "command stroke," or both.
Whenever you are in a situation where you need to enter text (either the
cursor is blinking or some text is highlighted), just press the "right"
button on the navigator (or use the command stroke to access the special
icon on the "command bar"). Up pops the onscreen keyboard! Enter
your text, tap Done (or press Select on the navigator) and you're done!
No need to open and close the case.Just the tool you need to make your
new Tungsten that much more productive! But wait, there's more! Just accessing the keyboard still means you still have to type in the text you want to enter! That's fine if you're entering a new name in your Address Book, but so much of what you have to type consists of the same words and phrases.The Palm Date Book lets you set up "repeat events", but what about frequent events which don't occur on any schedule, like a"Dentist appointment" or "Meeting with boss"? SMS applications, email applications, web browsers, and many more - no matter what the application, you'll find yourself typing the same thing over and over. TextMaster is the answer which will revolutionize the way you use your Palm! Any time you need to enter text in your Palm, in any application, TextMaster lets you popup a list of dozens or even hundreds of your own words and phrases, ready to insert with a single tap! Or popup the on-screen keyboard for additional data entry. Lists of email addresses for quick entry into the "To" field of your outgoing emails. SMS messages. Different signatures for different emails. Standard things like "http://" or ".com" for your web browser. Boilerplate text for emails or memos. Common entries in your DateBook like "Dentist Appt." or "Meeting with boss". All these and lots more - TextMaster can remember them for you, and enter them with one or at most two taps of the stylus (or entirely with the 5-way navigator if you prefer!). Up to 32 "folders" of phrases, each containing up to 32 words or phrases, each as long as 4095 characters, with no limit on the number of lines. You can even set up application-specific lists of phrases! Create a folder called "Calendar", for example, and when you are in the Calendar app, the phrases in that folder will be displayed immediately, saving you one more step and making the application that much more useful. Create a list of frequently-used email addresses for use in your email application, a bookmark list for use in your web browser, a list of frequent appointments for your calendar, and so on. You won't believe how much easier these applications become with this addition. No matter what the application, if it involves text entry, and if you ever enter the same text more than once, TextMaster will save you time and make your PalmOS handheld that much more useful.
More Information... Want to learn more about TextMaster? We've tried to keep this page simple, but the complete manual for TextMaster is part of the download when you download the software (see below). Even if you don't have a Palm, there are plenty of screen shots, so you can see everything the software can do, and how easy it is to use. Want to try TextMaster yourself? You can download TextMaster and put it through its paces without a Serial Number (password); it is fully functional for five days of usage.This should allow you to fully evaluate what TextMaster can do for you. Download now. Want to learn more about PalmOS handhelds? Our software runs on the Palm operating system (PalmOS). PalmOS is developed by PalmSource, and is licensed for use on handheld devices made by palmOne (including the Treo, Zire, and Tungsten lines), Handspring (now part of palmOne), Sony, Symbol (some models), Kyocera, Samsung, and others. A complete, current list of licensees, with links to their respective websites, can be found here. Who we are... Stevens Creek Software has been developing and marketing software for Macintosh, Windows, DOS, PalmOS, and iPhone (iOS) since 1988. We specialize in handheld solutions, with more than 20 titles for PalmOS and iOS. Learn more... Ready to order? Single Licenses You can license a single copy of TextMaster for $14.95. Most users download the software from our Web site and pay for the software online; for a small charge we can send you the software on a disk via regular mail instead. You can order online or by mail.
Need Multiple Copies? For multiple copy pricing and methods of ordering, click here. |