My Race Log

Key to Sport (S) and Pace columns:
R=Running (pace in mpm)
C=Cycling (pace in mph)
S=Swimming (pace in mpm)
Humboldt Redwoods Marathon.
First serious marathon, had an excellent race if slightly over 3:25 target. Concentrated on steady pace for first half, running hard and passing people the second half. Carrying water, eating 1 GU/30 min. 153/444 overall, 138/328 male, 22/59 M45-49.
10/15/95RHumboldt Redwoods Marathon. Start at Dyerville bridge, south 6.5M to Myers Flat on Avenue of the Giants, turnaround back to bridge, west 6.5M past Rockefeller Grove, turnaround. First half flat, second moderatly hilly.
Splits: 8:07, 15:24, 7:32, 7:49, 7:24, 8:10, 7:35, 7:49, 7:48, 8:07, 7:58, 8:14, 16:52 (into the wind), 7:56, 8:42, 8:35, 8:53, 10:48 (???), 16:42, 8:50, 9:03, 16:26. 1/2=1:42:47. 5/10/15/20=38:52, 38:47, 41:10, 44:56.
11/05/95R10K45:557:23Trailblazer 10K, Friends of Stevens Creek Trail race through Shoreline Park (all paved trail)Aimed for anticipated marathon pace but went way faster; couldn't hold back. Amazing considering yesterday's workout. Splits: 7:08, 7:19, 7:24, 7:33, 7:31, 7:30, 1:30. Perfect temps. 72nd overall, 16th 45-49.
12/03/95R26.2M3:25:237:50California International Marathon, from Auburn to Sacramento. Qualified for Boston! Full report. Splits: 7:51, 7:19, 7:12, 7:23, 7:24, 7:29, 7:30, 7:40, 7:50, 7:32, 7:39, 7:48, 15:25, 7:50, 7:42, 7:39, 7:57, 7:48, 8:03, 8:18, 8:30, 8:31, 8:39, 8:26, 8:08, 1:46. 5/10/15/20/25: 37:08, 38:02, 38:44, 39:09, 42:26.